Sunday, January 15, 2006

My moods -- like taxi cabs!

So I stand in the rain and wait for one, but the wrong one comes along, and the next thing I know is that I'm headed downtown, when that's NOT where I wanted to go! So I get out, catch a mood going uptown, but dammit, it's the wrong mood, and not wanting to shoot myself somewhere in the upper 40's, I get out and walk. Can't afford a limo, and the subway? I'm just not ready for the subway of my mind just yet. Could I take the bus? Sure why not? So that works for awhile, but I see just the right mood out the window of the bus, and I stop to try and catch it, no matter where it's going...but I never do. Always in a cab, even if I have no place to go.


benning said...

I've found that some M&Ms help to transport me, no matter the mood. I like the fact that the mileage on a bag of M&Ms is impressive. Not to mention the nice selection of colors and models.

Try 'em! You'll like 'em!

Camie Vog said...

Yeah, I used to use M&Ms as my personal transporter. Then I woke up one day and realized my body was morphing into a minivan.

Ron said...

Now, now Cammie, don't be diet-obsessive...besides, maybe y'all can get the minivan a'rockin, if you know what I mean...

I'm legally required to have those red, "wide load" flags in my pants pockets...