Saturday, April 17, 2010

My mind's a whirl...

I'm writing again, fretting over cash flow (which is not!), enjoying the spring weather, the baseball season, enjoying the darkness for sleeping, relieved that the rodents, er, students are soon to be leaving for the summer, dreading Obama-rama coming soon to give the commencement address, filled with ideas for games, movies, and more stuff for the novel....

Man, I need to learn that whole writing thing...


Anonymous said...

cash flow (which is not)...I can relate to that. Long, long winter with little business. Spring came just in time this year.

Michael Haz said...

Cash flow? I refer to it in the past tense, cash flew. It's a more accurate description.

DILLIGAF said...

Cash Flow?

If I get run over by a bus and have £5 in my pocket I've misjudged my cash should have been spent!

Drinks are on me and Sime come August old bean. No worries.