Thursday, August 07, 2008


Holy moley, August is already a week old! These are truly the dog days in Ann Arbor, bounded by two events; the end of Art Fair in July, and the beginning of Football Season, towards the end of this month. It's easy to get parking! Things are relatively quiet! Alas, soon to be over...

Despite the emptiness of the fridge, I blundered into a way to make a good pot of beef stew, so that was done, and I've been eatin' on that one for a couple of days...

Things are quiet in blog land, Camie has been very busy with small children, and some of the noble corps have moved on...but I find new blogs, have fun with those, and bring back to this one little bit of spiritual nourishment, and let it cook slowly, like my stew...

Happy Birthday Victoria! After a long disappearance, she's back, but now on Euro-holiday...

Amba, you've become a favorite in a very short time! I check in every day.

It's all good!


Cynnie said...

hiya floof!..

Cynnie said...

I cant believe you travelled all the way over to my blog to talk shite about my curly headed adonis!.
you are in sooo much trouble