Wednesday, November 01, 2006

You say...

I forgot to say I had another of my dreams last night, so I pass it along.

I have a good friend named Lucy Krawinkel who, at present, lives in Seattle. Need to know this for the story.

In the dream I'm going to different places here in A2, and surprisingly, at different times, people come up to me and give me film equipment. It's not like I take it home; I leave in the places where it was given to me, and I know that no one will touch it, and I leave it there, knowing it's mine. Lenses, cameras, lights, dollys, you name it. This goes on for weeks. One night, I'm lying half-asleep on my little loveseat in front of the TV, while the Astaire-Rogers movie "Shall We Dance" drones on in the background. Suddenly, the DVD stops right near the beginning of the song "Let's Call The Whole Thing Off," (the potato-pohtatoe, tomato-tomatoe song) This wakes me up. I get up and walk slowly towards the TV with a soundtrack playing, kind of an electronic version of the Pachabel canon, and I walk into the TV, and into the scene. Astaire and Rogers are sitting on a parkbench wearing roller skates, about to do the song. Rogers is wearing a tailored tweed suit coat and skirt, and a kind of womans version of a man's fedora. Underneath the suit coat, Rogers seems to be wearing a black sweater with a jeweled pin right in the center. Rogers' character in the film is named Linda Keene, and the pin is a stylized "LK." When I walk into the scene, I stop and Rogers turns to look at me and says, "Well, what are you waiting for?" and my eye zooms in on the pin. I know what to do. I call Lucy, ("L:K") fly her from Seattle, and the two of us go around town using "my" film equipment to shoot the two of us doing that whole song, singing, dancing and roller skating...just for our own delight....

I looked to see if that pin is actually in the film or did my mind just make it up. Nope, it's there. I didn't even recall seeing it, but my subconscious must have and connected it to the world...


Cynnie said...

I'm jealous..


Nobody is called Krawinkel. Poor girl.